20 anni della triennale internazionale di grafica d’arte- Sofia


20 anni della Triennale Internazionale di grafica d’arte- Sofia

International Print Art Triennial of Sofia

Una selezione della grafica mondiale presentata in una collezione alla Accademia Gallery della National  Academy of Fine Art di Sofia

20 години международно триенале на графиката – София.
Цветът на световната графика в уникална КОЛЕКЦИЯ –
от днес до 10 януари 2015, НХА, галерия “Академия”



20 years International Triennial of Graphics – Sofia

15 December 2014 – 10 January 2015

Created in 1995 as the idea of the Graphics and Illustration Section of the Union of Bulgarian Artists, the Triennial has been a modern international platform for contemporary graphics in the last 20 years. The collection presents about 60 graphic works by famous artists all over the world participating in the triennial editions between 1995 and 2014.

The focus of this exhibition are works of foreign authors donated to the fund of the Triennial, shown for the first time to the public in their integrity. Without being exhaustive, the collection marks directions and trends, indicates a variety of graphic techniques and convincingly demonstrates the numerous possibilities and incarnations of contemporary graphic art.



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