over Confidence: SOLO Show in Kraljevo 2017



over Confidence: graphic works size 70×100
solo Show in Kraljevo
by Alberto Balletti
Agust 2017
C/O Udruženje likovnih i primenjenih umetnika Kraljevo
Association of Fine and Applied Artists Kraljevo – Serbia
Website: http://kvlikovniprimenjeni.com/

Text in catalog:

I’m lurked in a slow regret. This is the place where I will live to discover my next serie of works. I know where next signs will be regretted: in myself, inside my oneself.

Until today my search has always known about this place where the engraved signs attend to be shape. Just waiting for a glow that won’t come. As in the works titled “stun_Glow”.

I have laid a trap there, digging under skin, where the shame doesn’t exist. Is there that often people confined their bodies forgotten as in an old junkyard. “junk_Opposite” is a works serie’s title.

The emergence of the engraved signs rebuild identity. Beginning from signs that reconstruct and that contain sense. In order to the last engraved signs that visually narrate faces. Through the looking glass we are distorted, but we must recognize ourselves. This truth is already written in the bones, but we are obstinate to deny it every day, like dogs dead-end . “Dog’s life” is a works serie’s title.

Into my images the physical component bursts out, while the engraved sign becomes its nested content, inside a slow cry as a noise. Lost confidence at the hands of ability to speak. The last serie is titled “over_Confidence”.

Alberto Balletti

(translation by Elena Beale)

works photo: download catalog PDF over_Confidence


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