Works selected to biennial and triennials international events and other exhibitions 2019/20

serie stunt Ration – miniprint 10×10

Miniprint International de Entre Rios – Luis Bourband – 2020, Museo de dibujo y grabado A. Alisio, Entre Ríos, Argentina (gloria e chiara)

40° Mini Print International de Cadaqués, Barcellona, España -first location Taller Galeria Fort de Cadaqués, Girona; second location Fondazione Tharrats di Graphic Art a Pineda de Mar (Barcellona); third location L’Etangd’art gallery, Bages (France)(a-b-c-d)

8º Miniprint Internacional Rosario (MIR), Universidad Nacional Rosario, Argentina –Mention (gloria)

100KG. 2020, pencil on A4

.S.M.A.K. Moves | Drawing in Lockdown, .S.M.A.K. museum, Gent, Belgium

serie Stant Ration (diesel – spray – chiara – tien – gloria) 2020, etching and ink-jet – lastre cm.30×20

4th International Printmaking Biennial 2018 Čačak, Serbia

Hiccup 2019, etching and ink-jet, miniprint 10×10

Eighth International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition, by Ottawa School of Art, ByWard Campus – Canada

2020 International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak, Kazanlak Art Gallery, Bulgaria 

Hiccup 2019, etching and ink-jet, cm.70×100

2020 International Virtual Engravist Printmaking Bienal– Grey Hall, Istanbul

2020 – 6th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania

2020 – Intimist6, La Fenice Art Gallery, Hong Kong

2021 – 10th International Graphic Triennial of Bitola, Makedonia

2023 Osten Biennial of Drawing Skopje 2022 | 22 February 2023 | National Gallery of North Macedonia – Skopje

stunt Ration 2020, etching and ink-jet, cm.100×70

4th International Printmaking Triennial of Beograd, Serbia

over Think 2018, etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.100×70

Stones from other mountains – 2020 international outstanding printmaking artist’s works exhibition, China Printmaking Musuem, Guanlan, Shenzen

8th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia – 2019, Gallery of UBA, Sofia

5th Mini Maxi Print Berlin 2019-2020, Galleri Heike Arndt DK and Galerie Kuchling

X Rassegna Internazionale di Incisione – Cremona 2019, by Vladimiro Elvieri

Water Tickle 2018, etching and ink-jet, diptych cm.70×100

Stones from other mountains – 2020 international outstanding printmaking artist’s works exhibition, China Printmaking Musuem, Guanlan, Shenzen

8th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia – 2019, Gallery of UBA, Sofia

5th Mini Maxi Print Berlin 2019-2020, Galleri Heike Arndt DK and Galerie Kuchling

X Rassegna Internazionale di Incisione – Cremona 2019, by Vladimiro Elvieri

Over confidence (a) 2017 etching and ink-jet, diptych cm. 70×100

2020 – Intimist6, La Fenice Art Gallery, Hong Kong

2019 – 5th BIPB – Bucharest International Print Biennale, Muzeul Naţional Literaturii Române

5th Mini Maxi Print Berlin 2019-2020, Galleri Heike Arndt DK and Galerie Kuchling

On the edge, Stubel gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, by Zoran Mise

stun Glow 2016, etching and ink-jet, diptych cm. 70×100

8th International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia, Gallery of UBA, Sofia

Tillage 2019, etching and ink-jet, miniprint10x10 – a-b-c

BIGAI 2019 – First International Biennial of Engreving and Printed Art, Department of Visual Art of National University of Cordoba, Argentina (tillage a-b)

2nd Convocatoria Género/ Diversidad – Muestra Pequeño Formato Grupo Humano Paraná, Argentina – Mention (Tillage c)

2nd Miniestampa eMe 2019, Mexico City – Third award (tillage a-b-c)

7th International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak, Bulgaria (tillage a-b-c)

Tillage (df) 2019, etching and ink-jet, cm.18×30
Tillage (ae) 2019, etching and ink-jet, cm.18×30

2020 – 2nd TKO International Miniprint Exhibition, Tokyo Kyoto Osaka, Japan

2019 5th Small Etching International Biennial Graphium, UAPT – Galeria Park, Timisoara, Romania (+cg)

Tillage (a-b) 2019, etching and Ink-jet, cm.19,5×14,5

AIMPE ’19– The 2019 Awagami International Miniprint Exhibition- Honorable Mention (a-c)

2nd Mini Print Internacional Cantabria, Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor (tillage a-b-c)

Tillage, 2019, drypoint and ink-jet, diptych cm. 65×90

14th International Graphic art Biennial “Dry Point”,Gradska Galerija Uzice, Serbia

over Think (ab) 2018, etching and ink-jet, cm.50×70

13th Edition of International Contemporary Engraving Biennial “Iosif Iser”, Muzeul de Artă Ploiești, Romania

over Think (a) 2018, etching and Ink-jet, cm.20×100
over Think (b) 2018, etching and Ink-jet, cm.20×100 

20th International Print Biennial Varna, Boris Georgiev Varna City Art Gallery, Bulgaria

junk Selfie (a) 2019, etching and ink-jet, cm.14,5×18,5
junk Selfie (b) 2019, etching and ink-jet, cm.14,5×18,5

10th International Biennial of the Small Forms Pleven, Bulgaria

two leather socks 2016, etching and inkjet, cm.30×30

Opere e storie di amicizia, artisti per il progetto della Casa delle Carrozze di Latina, Castello di Maenza, by M. Pompeo e L. Faccioli

stun Glow (b) 2016, etching and ink-jet, cm. 50×100
stun Glow 2016 etching and ink-jet, cm. 70×100
Gaze (c) 2017, etching and ink-jet, cm. 60×100
Gaze (d) 2017, etching and ink-jet, cm. 60×100
over Think 2018 etching and ink-jet, cm. 70×100

2nd Xu yuan International Print Biennial China 2018, Beijing, Nanjing and Ji’nan

over confidence (b2) 2017, etching and ink-jet, cm.70×100
junk Bones 2015/16, etching and ink-jet, cm. 70×100

10th Edition of Douro International Printmaking Biennial, Portugal (+junk Bones)

4 Global Print 2019, Douro, Portugal, by Nuno Canelas